Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Website Update!

I uploaded all of the photos I currently have of my Edea costume from Otakon 2011 at Pixiekitty.net!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Edea updates!

Sorceress Edea Otakon 2011 by ~pixiekitty on deviantART

I also have some more photos up on Deviant Art of my Edea, so you can browse through those too if you feel the urge. I'm still working on getting my website updated with many more great photos from some awesome photographers! I also just recently fixed some coding issues on my site, so now it actually looks normal in Internet Explorer! (I designed it using Google Chrome).

I've already started working on some new cosplay stuff instead of updating my website with my current stuff like I should be. XD

Monday, August 1, 2011

20% Cooler!

Me as Rainbow Dash from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I lurve me some rainbow! =P It was a really fun and easy costume to run around Otakon 2011 on friday evening. So comfortable!

I colored a white wig by hand with Sharpies, made the ears, wings, and cutie mark necklace. Everything else is bought.

Both photos were taken by Psychoticsmiley at Otakon 2011.